Heavy ICBM Blueprint for Spaceflight Simulator / SFS BP
Heavy ICBM Blueprint for Spaceflight Simulator / SFS BP
*Click on an image to see full size*


Instructions: Step 1: Launch. Step 2: Use orbital maneuver stage to orbit. Step 3: Use the rest of the orbital maneuver stage to slow down and lower orbit. Step 4 (optional): use the extra maneuver stage to maybe head to the moon and blow up a colony (this hasn't been officially tested). Step 5: Use payload heat shield to descend through atmosphere. Step 6: Once speed is low enough not to burn up, turn the payload to face the target, then release the payload. Have fun destroying small countries!


➤ Super Heavy


➤ BP Edit
➤ Reentry resistant


➤ Spaceflight Simulator or higher