SatelitSun Blueprint for Spaceflight Simulator / SFS BP
SatelitSun Blueprint for Spaceflight Simulator / SFS BP
SatelitSun Blueprint for Spaceflight Simulator / SFS BP
SatelitSun Blueprint for Spaceflight Simulator / SFS BP
*Click on an image to see full size*


Another satelite. This one orbits the Sun. When you reach the orbit navigator to Mercury but DONT go on it. Get the orbit around the Sun. This satelite uses wheels for some sort od trapping paticles or somthing. Hope you can understand my idea. Thats it. -gustekpro


➤ Part Clipping


➤ Parts Expansion DLC
➤ Cheats DLC
➤ Infinite Build Area DLC
➤ Spaceflight Simulator or higher